Welcome Maren Delaina Ferguson Jaeger! 10/15/13

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Welcome Tavin James Ferguson Jaeger!!! 5/2/2010

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Friday, August 30, 2013

pack n plays have gotten a major overhaul!

so we got rid of the old blue pack n play we bought 11 years ago for puppies 
- used it for 3 puppies - and got this new one for in our room.  boy, in 11 years a pack n play has come a long way!  this one has real wood trim, you can remove the mattress and cover to machine wash it, and it fits thru doorways!  and none of the material is crunchy or nylon, its all soft microfiber or a heavy weave upholstery type fabric.
super cute owls
pretty against the gray wall, tho its going in our room so it wont ever really be against the gray wall... oh well
 the wood and brushed metal trim

the changer pops on and off really easily and is super stable, and i put a comfy brown minky waterproof pad on top of the vinyl part.

this last pic is a sample pic, so i dont have that cute owl quilt or the wall decal.  but if it were the only crib in her room, those would be cute to have.

i told jj we didnt need to buy any baby gear.  but the argument against putting a newborn in a pack n play that has been peed in by 3 puppies is a pretty strong one.  jj breathed a sigh of relief tho when, while cruising babies r us, i noted that all the other gear like bouncers and swings are exactly that same as what we have for tj.

8 weeks to go!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Guess who's room this is?!

This used to be our den which was open to below with a railing.  i should post the construction pics... the open wall is now this nice solid striped wall yay

im not totally finished, but I was too excited about how its coming together.  I sewed all the bedding including the quilt.  I need to finish the valance and drapes.

On the striped wall I am also going to put a wall decal up of a cherry blossom branch or some birch trees, and hang the birdhouses on them, and there will be little bird decals also, some flying, some sitting on the birdhouses - there are three houses, ive only finished one so far.  they'll all be different colors but have the moss roof...

counting down the remaining weeks - 10 to go!

The Epic Fishing Trip

so these photos uploaded in reverse order for some reason... so you should scroll to the bottom and read from the bottom up.  or you can just read thru it backward...

here we go.

enjoying our little shelter
 the man eating and thoroughly enjoying his hotdog.
 omg he caught a duck.  for real.  took about 5 min to get the thing untangled and thank goodness for the bobber which kept the hook from getting it.
 rinsing off the hotdogs, they're the only ones we had.
 gravel-crusted hotdogs.  its a delicacy.  didnt you know??
 oh no, look what happened
 setting up the grill, cant wait
wading in to retrieve the fish, which floated for a min and then sank to the bottom belly up. :/
 caught a fish yay!  Jj decided to release it, but after running to the car for 5 min to get pliers to unhook it.  he left the pole in tj's hands, and tj liked seeing the fish out of water.  for like the whole 5 min.   ...
 fishin with daddy - yay bonding