Welcome Maren Delaina Ferguson Jaeger! 10/15/13

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Welcome Tavin James Ferguson Jaeger!!! 5/2/2010

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Saturday, July 31, 2010

the crib, finally!!!

but in our room for now

bookcases from Grampa Tom & Darleen

the queen bed is still in here, and his crib is built but in our room for now. the bassinet is in here for naps. will likely stay like this til he's sleeping through the night consistantly, which is NOT right now!! :P

Thursday, July 15, 2010

what is IN this teddy bear??

twice now he has grabbed it, put it over his face, and fallen asleep within 30 seconds of it being there. wondering if this is some kind of genetic thing, needing the "cave of darkness" to sleep in, and the teddy bear covering his eyes is like the underwear blocking out the sun?! grampy?!?!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

special toys, etc

2 month update - got first shots :( they didnt tell me his length but hes in the 80th percentile for length, and weighs 11lbs 11.6oz - they said he's tall and lean! only the 40th percentile for weight.

he totally loves this lovey from mona
teddy bear from grandma lily

just a sweet picture of my sweet boy
my sweet boy being a punk and not letting me put him down at IHOP so i could eat!!!

retro pics again - 3-6wks

erin and andrew's visit to CO in june

andrew is the moxie whisperer - this was within about 15min of meeting her!! WHAAT?!
hat i made for tavin - oops, its more like babydoll size!

extreeeeme closeup

auntie mo!!! i love you so!!! (tavin is just about 3 weeks old here)

cloth diaper installment #1

check back often as i add pics to this list whenever i get a new pic taken! i have quite the stash. :)
coming soon: sustainablebabyish fitted (w/diaper pin), 2 snicklefritz fitteds (OS with snapdown rise)

covered caboose (off hyenacart.com) organic bamboo velour (OBV) side-snapping fitted
BumGenius (BG) Flip cover on small setting
WAHM made "tshirt" fitted diaper off etsy (boulevarddesigns) - is a "west coast choppers" tshirt with bamboo on the inside and a bamboo sewn in soaker. size medium but fits him pretty good already. should fit til he's ready to potty-learn!

bummis super bright cover (sm) (and drivin in detroit)
bummis super whisper wrap cover (sm) (inspecting the rogue fists)

bagshot row bamboo (BSRB) WAHM fitted with snappi (and marching)

WAHM cover off etsy (sm but fits like xs)

bumGenius one size pocket diaper on small setting

pretty printed (work-at-home-mom "WAHM"-made) side snapping pocket diaper
bumGenius (BG) all-in-one (AIO) small

gDiaper (sm) with a green mountain diaper (GMD) yellow edge prefold (sm)


goodmama (WAHM with cult following - off hyenacart.com) organic bamboo velour (OBV) one size (OS) fitted with snaps (return of the rogue fists)

BG bamboo fitted (sm) under an econobums OS cover on small setting

thirsties cover (sm)

Friday, July 9, 2010


2 month pics

laughing at daddy's silly songs
jj's just pretending to sleep - he's not allowed to sleep while holding the baby!!!

laughing at mommy - and doing his scottish jig (where'd his bagpipes go?!)

jj watching "life" and tavin is sleeping in the moby!