Welcome Maren Delaina Ferguson Jaeger! 10/15/13

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Welcome Tavin James Ferguson Jaeger!!! 5/2/2010

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


tj is talking more and more every day! today he learned how to say "buckeye" and some other FAN stuff!!! we watched the bucks beat northwestern and he cheered them on :)

christmastime pics!

schleich truck (complete with "guy") and horse trailer for his horsie that looks just like teddy

petting zoo at the parker carriage parade
pony rides at the parker carriage parade
horses in downtown parker
tj's first christmas program... he's clutching his jingle bell!!
jj and tj after the program
playing with his animal rescue helicopter
rescuing a gator!

more christmas videos!

tj opening his panda book

tee ball!!!

flippies under the slide... he did this for about a half hour! then was super wiped out!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Some Christmas videos!

tj getting his slide on christmas eve

jj riding his new christmas bmx bike at the park around the corner from our house - great resurrection of an old hobby! tj LOOOOOVES the skate park. more than any other park ever.

tj opening a present! we took lots of video but the ones from my phone were easiest to get uploaded but are bad quality... there will be more coming.

keyser singing

brew wants to join it, and things go downhill from there...

Thursday, December 15, 2011

TJs first Christmas program!!

He even signs a little to Silent Night! He's the only one with a binkie tho...

Friday, November 25, 2011

Stationery card

Merry Moments Christmas Card
Personalize your holiday card this Christmas with Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.

Monday, November 7, 2011

newsy update and more halloween

CANDY!!!! open open open open!!!!
2 horse trainers!

tavin james and the giant peach!! (playing with photoshop, its fun!)

awwww my sweet boy

his eyes are so blue, i used photoshop to dump all the color to black and white except for his eyes... click on the pic to make it bigger so you can really see the blue... it looks fake!! its not!!

Tavin's always doing new stuff! He's taking swimming lessons at the rec center, some days he likes it and some its just too cold to be any fun... he does like the slide tho. He started nursery school, and the teachers said he did awesome! Didnt even notice I was gone ;) While he's at school, I'm taking a few riding lessons, which is nice. He has a few new teeth, molars even! so eating just got more fun, as did brushing teeth!! he's very into books, his new "legos" (duplos for now, but he's going to outgrow them very quickly), his shape sorter, stacking things, a toy horse, and drawing (aquadoodle, tub crayons, etc) and loves music and playing his instruments. theres really nothing he doesnt like haha :) and he's still as much a cuddle bug as ever, has long periods of time where he just wants to sit with me. i love it!! <3

he's starting to talk a bit more, says random sentances out of the blue like "kitty cat! kitty cat! over there!!" when he spots PJ... says owl, up or hold for pick me up, help, open, here, go outside (to the dogs haha), thank you, excuse me, all done, kai, daddy, mama, shoe, over there, under there, bye bye, but thats about it... but he signs a LOT and communicates really well for someone who doesnt really talk much!! i hardly ever am at a loss for what he's trying to communicate. he gets his needs and wants across pretty well... he's so sure of what those things are, and has been since the day he was born!!!! silly guy :) he does try to repeat me when i say, "say ______" but he seems to get shy and embarrassed and not want to try for long (did he inherit my fear of failure?!)

he can kick a ball, throw overhand, and stack blocks to the heavens... he has a dr's appt on wednesday so i'll find out his height and weight. his pants are all too short and too big around the waist/butt, so im assuming he's still tall and skinny!

life is good :D

drawing, halloween, etc

this really is my tavin in a nutshell:
cowboy (well, horse trainer really) for halloween, eating chocolate icing, straight!

neon is neato!

corn maze is neato, also!

still a favorite... riding the dogs.

helping me build the new shoe shelf for his 30 pairs of shoes!

he LOVES giada!!!

my little arteest! he has such a way... he's so gentle with the dogs and cat, and he's really being deliberate about what he's drawing. its really the first time i've seen him draw something and not just scribble. whatever it was, he drew and erased and drew and erased and drew the same thing several times.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

more tricks - bike, piano, saying "help"

summer activities!

university of findlay football game, and wearing his orange!

with zach at the antique tractor show

with zach riding rides at the fair

riding charley at her first horse show

Thursday, July 7, 2011


tavin is now walking (toward the end of 13mos)... and can drink and walk at the same time,

and climb onto the tractor, uh oh!!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

riding charley!

a few new pics

lounging and talking to dada on the phone
playing in a cat tent

best buddies - jasmine! what a good girl.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

jj jr!

pics from his 1yr session coming soon!! jj's picking them up tomorrow!

Friday, February 25, 2011

more tj 9mos

playing with my phone and wearing the vest and babylegs mom made
sleeping in the ergo - one of "those" days

wearing the cowboy hat pre-felting
button brim newsboy i made him - i love this pic. i love his little face.

9mo pic

first one, this was in a cute baby contest... 4 other pics will follow

Sunday, February 6, 2011

just turned 9mos

this is from xmas, up at chase rd in NY (jj's house growing up) - watching darleen's woodland friends! he was mezmerized by the squirrel antics!!
very sleepy just waking up - a good time for a cuddle
his first newsboy! and MY first crochet project!
making him model the girl one...

so cute just out of the bath - wet, curly blonde hair

his room - its getting there!

Friday, January 21, 2011

hes famous!!

haha jk... but the photographer used his newborn pic in their portfolio online (you can see it at http://www.preciousposesphotography.com/ on their main site, under "newborns") and in an ad, and also used his 6mo pic in their "children" portfolio on the main site. the first one is his outfit from Gramma Joyce. (the second one is his outfit from me and jj. haha.)