Welcome Maren Delaina Ferguson Jaeger! 10/15/13

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Welcome Tavin James Ferguson Jaeger!!! 5/2/2010

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

oh jj...

hard to see cuz our windows are really dirty! but, jj backed the durango out of the driveway this morning, and forgot he had just put the trash at the curb! from bed, i heard a cruuunch... then a pause... then another cruuuuunch (it was the "screw it, i just have to finish this now" crunch). i ran to the window in excited anticipation: and to my delight opened the blinds to find jj picking up LOTS of trash that was strewn all about the road. oh, the endless entertainment that is life with jj. grabbed my phone in time to get these last few moments in photo proof.

i thought i had made the "jj is not allowed to back any vehicles" rule clear, but apparently not... the rule was instituted after the infamous audi/durango incident - when the durango was parked behind the audi. i reminded jj of this. then he walked past the durango to take the trash to the curb (why is the trash always a party to these incidents??). then he walked right past the durango again, and got into the audi, and backed right into the durango. thats my favorite.

i love the tire marks thru the grass, too. fills in the picture. i cannot stop laughing when i think about the noises i heard, and i can just imagine the thoughts going thru jj's little hampster wheel, and the disgusted-with-himself scrunchy face...
backs durango.
"what the..."
looks side to side in utter confusion, and checks all rearview mirrors. finally realizes its the trash he just put at the curb, which he is now straddling. forward or backward, no way to avoid running it over again.
probably something like "g-d damn it!!!"
then lots of head shaking, probably a few more light expletives, and mumblings to himself, as he starts picking up the trash and putting it back in the bin... and more head shaking...
and me laughing hysterically, from the upstairs window, as i take pictures.
and the kicker: they didnt even come to get the trash today. its next week.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

30 weeks

the bassinet, yay! thank you, grandma jaeger!

jj watching olympics with the minipile (must have been ski jumping or cross country, since he's clearly sleeping and not watching).
tummy pics! kai watching, and both kai AND moxie are in the 2nd pic... brew was standing there too but you cant see him. another thing you cannot see is jj standing there, and he said to me "gettin big, babe!" ?!

heres another video :) he was being VERY active.

Monday, February 15, 2010

some videos! 29w3d

here he's listening to french horns... culture for the day :)

doesnt like it when i poke his house! he pokes back!

signature moves... rolling around is what he likes to do most. tho i would feel better about his NFL kicking career if he would kick more... love the commentary from jj in the background. previously he did a huge loud belch when i was trying to video so he got the what-for about being quiet. oh jj... the fergenjaeger clone is going to be quite a character, i fear.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

test results update

just in case you were wondering... the sugar test came back squarely in normal - no gestational diabetes! i continue to have the most boring pregnancy ever!

Friday, February 12, 2010

jammies in the la z boy!

doggers are in the basement after dinner... so pj came out from his cubby for some cuddle time!

sittin on the big weird pillow... fergenjaegs keeps rolling around and pj keeps looking at it like, what the heck... did i just feel something moving?!

29 wks

theres fraggle face AGAIN sticking thru the drapes...

so i decided to let him have some limelite! i had to hold on tho, cuz he collapses into a heap! look how fraggleriffic he is tho... he hasnt been this fraggletastic in a very long time!!

28wk appt

taking a pic of myself at the drs appt! i wanted to get a pic of the cute sweater vest darleen got me! when i have to have blood drawn, it makes me feel better if i at least look nice at my appt. tho i have to say, it wasnt bad. SHOCKING, i know. no one was there to sit on me.

heres a short clip of fergenjaegs moving around a little... i have yet to get him when he's sticking a foot or his butt up in the air. last nite he was freakish! but he always stops when he hears the camera ding!

jj's dad and the evil stepmother

tom and darleen came to visit! took them to cherry cricket, to try the burgers as seen on man v. food! build your own, so mine had avocado, american cheese, and sour cream on it!! darleen got the cream cheese and fresh roasted jalapenos, and tom and jj had theirs with blackening, cream cheese, jalapenos, and bacon! i must say, mine was about the best burger i've ever had. YUUM.

little moxie loves her grandma deedee!! tho maybe she's just trying to steal her purse...

Friday, February 5, 2010

3rd trimester! the beginning of the end of the beginning!

little moxie... likes her little head pillow. except for when it kicks her in the chin.

and the tummy pic. 28 weeks! we will have a dr's appt this week, on the 11th. so stay tuned! maybe we'll have new pics of fergenjaegs to post!