Welcome Maren Delaina Ferguson Jaeger! 10/15/13

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Welcome Tavin James Ferguson Jaeger!!! 5/2/2010

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Sunday, December 12, 2010

santa pics and new surprise trick!

ho ho ho....

grinch grinch grinch.
looking happier, sort of... well, cuter anyway.

not too sure about that beard, santa... and arent you supposed to be wearing a hat??
ok, seriously. the beard is freaking me out. get me OUT of here.
immediately after the "santa incident" - on the way to the car. trying to get the smile back!
this is more like it - fun at the track meet!!
and tj's newest trick - omg he's pre-walking. bought that booster seat today, put the box on the floor for him to play with, and boom he just started walking around with it. ??!!