Welcome Maren Delaina Ferguson Jaeger! 10/15/13

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Welcome Tavin James Ferguson Jaeger!!! 5/2/2010

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Saturday, October 23, 2010

jabbering up a storm ;)

more video to come of his jabbering... he "says" other stuff! but the timing has to be right (ie he says baba, but only when he wants his bottle! and "mmmmmo" but only when hes nursing...more??!) i SWEAR im not imagining it!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

5 month pics and a new trick!

aw, so cuddly cute in his bunting :)
his newest trick: he can now go from tummy to sitting up all by himself!!! he's so excited... he does crash a little at the end but he was fine :) haha he's pretty tough about stuff like that. its sleeping he screams about.