Welcome Maren Delaina Ferguson Jaeger! 10/15/13

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Welcome Tavin James Ferguson Jaeger!!! 5/2/2010

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

dawning of a brand new TJ...

the last 3 days we tried something new... putting him to bed at 8:30. short version: first nite, he cried for 2 hours. :( sad tj. second nite, he cried for about 30 min. last nite, he didnt cry at all, was asleep by 9, and slept til 8:30 this morning!! YAY TJ!!!

crawling and standing

what a big boy!!! on one hand exciting, on the other, STOP GROWING SO FAST!!!
this is his very first time standing up in his bed - i looked over and YIKES time to put the mattress down!! he even took a few little cruiser steps.
he's been pre-crawling for a while, sort of a "crawl crawl bellyflop legkick crawl crawl bellyflop legkick" kind of thing, looked like "the worm" from the 80's... but now he's really crawling with tummy off the floor, all the way across the room. i had to roll his pantlegs up cuz he kept slipping on the hard floor!! his poor little knees... he needs some kneepads.