so we got rid of the old blue pack n play we bought 11 years ago for puppies
- used it for 3 puppies - and got this new one for in our room. boy, in 11 years a pack n play has come a long way! this one has real wood trim, you can remove the mattress and cover to machine wash it, and it fits thru doorways! and none of the material is crunchy or nylon, its all soft microfiber or a heavy weave upholstery type fabric.
super cute owls
pretty against the gray wall, tho its going in our room so it wont ever really be against the gray wall... oh wellthe wood and brushed metal trim
the changer pops on and off really easily and is super stable, and i put a comfy brown minky waterproof pad on top of the vinyl part.
i told jj we didnt need to buy any baby gear. but the argument against putting a newborn in a pack n play that has been peed in by 3 puppies is a pretty strong one. jj breathed a sigh of relief tho when, while cruising babies r us, i noted that all the other gear like bouncers and swings are exactly that same as what we have for tj.
8 weeks to go!